Dialogues de Sant Jordi - Amélie Nothomb y Sergi Pàmies en el DHUB

Viernes, 20 de Abril de 2018

Emisión en francés con traducción simultánea, desde el DHUB Museu del Disseny de Barcelona.
Amélie Nothomb  / Sergi Pàmies

Barcelona City of Literature and Libraries of Barcelona have worked so that this second edition of the Dialogues of Sant Jordi is better than the first. The objective does not change: to bring writers and readers a few days before Sant Jordi so that they can talk about the books they have written and the topics they deal with: Africa, fantastic literature, the construction of national identities, phenomena migratory and black gender with touches of humor.

Dialogues de Sant Jordi Amélie Nothomb y Sergi Pàmies en el DHUB Streaming Streaming Barcelona emissió retransmissió endirecte webinar Webcast live livestreaming livestream Online educacio on line Videoconferencia Conferencia

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